Thursday, 21 July 2022


An extract from Fiona Duthie (Canadian) re: an exhibit she has created 'Chromatic Navigation'. 

  • Chromatic Navigation explores individuality and community and how we each can influence thinking, circumstances and events through small changes and interactions. This interactive work includes over 200 felt wall tiles, in a full spectrum of colour that sweeps across the gallery space.

The installation is based on the global temperature map on June 29, 2021, the date Canada surpassed all temperature records hitting 49.6 degrees Celsius, and the day before the town of Lytton, BC, where this temperature was recorded, burnt to the ground as a result of forest fire. The tiles are composed of firmly felted wool fibres, felted paper, and ceramics with details in charred wood and ink made from the forest fire burnt trees.

Viewers are encouraged to turn and switch the tiles with others in the installation to transform the overall pattern. The installation is constantly changing and experiential, deepening the viewers’ thinking on the theme. The viewers become the vehicle of change, altering the visual
pathways to set a different course of navigation.

Fiona Duthie Canadian Felt Artist